Monitor and manage your weather station network for high-quality data collection
• Data collection from heterogenous surface observation station networks.
• Advanced functionalities for the monitoring of the network.
• Centralization and standardization of collected data in a unique database.
• Real-time data quality control and calculations of derived parameters.
• Data visualization through charts, dashboards or tables.
• Manual entry forms for local observer in synoptic station.
• BUFR encoding and automated data export to other systems, in standard formats.

Secure all your data exchanges in full compliance with WMO and ICAO standards
• Integration hub for NMHS global information system.
• Interface to any standard communication device.
• Syntax checking of all messages.
• High availability and outstanding routing performances.
• Efficient diagnostic features and automatic resolution capacities for network

Store, process and access all your data in a powerful and reliable environment
CIPS Data Center
- Storage of meteorological data and metadata in a centralized and secure unified structure.
- Advanced storage management for dynamic configuration of the data retention policy.
- Easy and efficient access to data with ApplicationProgramming Interfaces (API).
- Available standards to produce and export dynamically maps, charts and data.
CIPS Task Center
- Design, configuration, monitoring and launch of advanced processing tasks from a centralized interface for “non-experts” users.
- Management of task versions, from development to production, through tests or research.
- Deployment of massive computation tasks on an external infrastructure, when required.

Monitor climate and contribute to climate services development
• Collection and safe storage of all national and regional stations climate data.
• Quality control of climate data according to WMO standards.
• Easy data access, and specific tools for climate data analysis and statistics.
• Contribution to the development of Climate Services activities and portfolio.
• Climate monitoring capabilities (diagnostic maps, bulletins, historical reference, watch) for National or Regional Climate Centres.

Visualize any type of met data & produce accurate weather forecasts and warnings
• Interactive data display and efficient tools for in-depth weather situation analysis.
• Advanced functionalities for all types of forecasting activities: general, aeronautic,
marine, warning, etc.
• Optimized environment for editing and managing forecaster’s expertise: SIGWX,
SIGMET, TAF, Digital Forecast, Impact-Based Forecast, etc.
• Dedicated tools for collaborative work (share of expertise, macro functionalities, etc.)

Generate and deliver ICAO-compliant meteorological flight folders for pilots and airlines
• Consultation of the meteorological data of any selected airport, FIR or geographical area.
• Display of urgent meteorological messages.
• Easy configuration of pre-flight meteorological documentation.
• Automated dissemination of scheduled flight folders.
• Archiving of flight folders according to ICAO regulation.

Design, generate, and disseminate all your PWS/EWS products and reach targeted audiences
• Integration of meteorological data, raw and expertized.
• Data processing with optional human validation.
• On event, scheduled or manual generation of customized products, and automatic dissemination via FTP, SMS, email, social media, etc.
• Integrated CRM functionalities for end-user subscription management.

Design, manage and generate customized web portals to share data and products with your end-users.
• Extranet builder to easily create and implement customized extranet websites.
• Custom configuration for each end-user (points of interest, personalized thresholds, etc.).
• Attractive display of meteorological data: interactive maps, meteograms or graphical charts.
• Editorial functionalities: generate personalized weather reports and other complementary content.
• Compatibility with METEOFACTORY system: consult finalized products and expertized reports designed in METEOFACTORY.