Côte d’Ivoire – VIGICLIMM Project

Project Overview
The VIGICLIMM Project (Vigilance, Prévisions et Alertes précoces, Services Climatiques et Météo) deals with the global modernization process of the Meteorological Department (DMN) of SODEXAM, the entity in charge of weather and climate services in Côte d’Ivoire.
Launched at the beginning of 2023, the 3-year project has for ambition to turn the DMN into a leading National Met Service within the West African region. Based on an innovative DBO model (Design-Build-Operate), the VIGICLIMM Project relies on a global approach that will strengthen DMN’s technical ecosystem (observation equipment and information systems), as well as the expertise and skills of its staff. The project is expected to serve the extended community of users of the Meteorological Department: Ivorian population, public authorities (especially services for Civil Protection – ONPC), and major weather-sensitive economic sectors.
The VIGICLIMM Project embraces all steps of the meteorological value chain: infrastructure, observation, data processing and service delivery. Beyond high-end technical solutions, MFI also provides SODEXAM with crucial support services such as project management, capacity building, change management and technical support. These are considered to be key success factors and they strongly contribute to the project’s efficiency and sustainability.
- Civil work for all observation sites
- Construction of a 2-storey building (over 2000 sqm)
- Automatic weather stations (27 sites).
- 2 AWOS.
- 1 Band-C weather radar based on "solid state" technology.
- Calibration equipment (4 units).
- OBSMET - Data Collection System.
- TRANSMET - Automatic Message Switching System.
- CIPS - Central Information Processing System.
- CLISYS - Climate Data Management System.
- SYNERGIE-WEB - Forecasting system.
- AEROMET-WEB - Pilot briefing system.
- VISUMET-WEB - Public display system.
- MET-MONITOR - Supervision system.
- TV solution.
- WIGOS-MET - Metadata management system.
- 1 website
- 2 mobile applications dedicated to Flood risk management and Rice production management.
- Project Design Study.
- System integration.
- Project management (including Steering Committees every 6 months).
- Capacity building >> 200 people trained + 4 master’s degrees at French National School of Meteorology (ENM).
- Assistance to Operational Start.
- Data flow
- Technical support (2 years after last Site Acceptance Tests).
Project outcomes
- 🔁 Automation of many processes in the fields of meteorological data collection and processing, allowing DMN staff to be freed from numerous low-value-added tasks in order to devote themselves to real expert missions.
- 💫 Brand new headquarters and facilities, specially designed for optimized operational activities (forecasting room, data center, press room, maintenance and calibration workshop, etc.).
- 👨🏻🎓 Increased level of skill and optimized internal organization thanks to a complete training program including system-oriented sessions (user & administrator), thematic trainings, and change management workshops.
For Côte d'Ivoire
- ☔ Better protection of people and goods thanks to improved forecasting (meteorological and marine) and implementation of a high-end Early Warning System allowing generation and dissemination of vigilance maps and warnings for Cote d’Ivoire major hazards (heavy precipitations, heat waves, strong winds, dust, thunderstorms, strong swell, fire), in full compliance with the spirit of the UN “Early Warnings for All” initiative.
- 👨🏻🌾 Improved support to major Ivorian economic sectors thanks to a greater quantity of targeted weather and climate products for better decision-making. A special focus is put on agriculture, and more specifically on rice culture with the development of a dedicated mobile application.
- 💹 High-quality climate change monitoring for better national adaptation and mitigation policies.
- 🌍 Strengthening of Cote d’Ivoire’s position on the international meteorological scene by a stronger contribution of SODEXAM to WMO’s global programs such as GMAS (warning) or WIGOS (observation).